The reality of dementia in lockdown

The impact of coronavirus has been shattering for families affected by dementia. Urgent action must be taken to better protect people ahead of the winter.

Dedicate a message to Government to make them address the reality of lockdown for people affected by dementia. 

Share your lockdown reality

Mrs Pamela Norris

Christine Norris (her daughter)

Sorry - I didn't know how much I could write until I saw the other dedications! I would like to add that I have only been able to see my lovely Mum twice since 15th March. She has been in a care home since April 2017. My brother who lives a lot closer, has only been able to see her four times. We have seen her through the window from the garden. The staff are very good and have usually moved Mum's bed closer to the window so that we can see each other more easily. But we can't hold her hand.