The reality of dementia in lockdown

The impact of coronavirus has been shattering for families affected by dementia. Urgent action must be taken to better protect people ahead of the winter.

Dedicate a message to Government to make them address the reality of lockdown for people affected by dementia. 

Share your lockdown reality

Cyril Howard

Glenda Bruce (Cyril’s daughter)

On 13th March, visits to my father’s Care Home were stopped. My father, most probably didn’t understand why I hadn’t been to see him (as he had dementia). On 14th April he became gravelly ill. I was allowed to see him on 15th April but by this time he was practically unconscious. I was allowed to see him again on 18th April but he was unconscious. He died on 21st April. I’m sure the lack of visits hastened his death. I’m still heartbroken

Cyril Howard