The reality of dementia in lockdown

The impact of coronavirus has been shattering for families affected by dementia. Urgent action must be taken to better protect people ahead of the winter.

Dedicate a message to Government to make them address the reality of lockdown for people affected by dementia. 

Share your lockdown reality

Pat Desbruslais

Marina Chalke

My beautiful mother Patricia, has had dementia for many years. We are a big family who love our mum so much so it was not a light decision to put her into a nursing home when she could no longer look after her own needs. She thrived because of the care and our love as we constantly went to visit to keep her memories alive. Sadly mum no longer talks and has lost her vivacious character. She no longer communicates with us and looks sad and lost. She is now just a shell, her character has gone.

Pat Desbruslais