The reality of dementia in lockdown

The impact of coronavirus has been shattering for families affected by dementia. Urgent action must be taken to better protect people ahead of the winter.

Dedicate a message to Government to make them address the reality of lockdown for people affected by dementia. 

Share your lockdown reality

Jasvir Kang

Hardish & all her family

Our mother Jasvir, over a 26-year career had books published, performed on stage & became a successful radio presenter. This was due to her ambitious attitude. Even though in recent years her independence has been stolen from her due to Vascular Dementia, our mother continues to be an inspiration to her children, grandchildren and everyone who meets her. The lockdown has not been kind to her but we will always love her & we hope her strength will see her through these difficult times.

Jasvir Kang