The reality of dementia in lockdown

The impact of coronavirus has been shattering for families affected by dementia. Urgent action must be taken to better protect people ahead of the winter.

Dedicate a message to Government to make them address the reality of lockdown for people affected by dementia. 

Share your lockdown reality

Brian Conlon

sister - Eileen Leah

In lockdown I couldn't visit my brother for 5 weeks then I was told that he had tested positive for Covid 19 but I still couldn't visit, A week later the home rang to tell me that he was "very poorly" I insisted that I was going to visit. I went that evening I had to sign a form of disclaimer ad wear all the PPE clothing mask etc. He knew that I was there, then 2 days later I had a telephone call at 23.00 to tell me that he had passed away. I had 3 days to clear all of his belongings.